Google have created another of their famous “Easter Eggs” this time by giving searchers a playable version of the classic Atari game Breakout game hidden within the search engine.
A Google image search for “Atari Breakout” automatically converts the image search results screen into a playable tribute to the 1976 classic.
Players can control the paddle using their mouse by moving it left and right to bounce the ball into the coloured bricks above, which were formerly the image search results. If you destroy all the bricks you can advance to the next level, whereas if you miss the ball you lose a life. In the original game, players had three turns to clear two screens of bricks for a maximum score of 896.
Breakout was originally created by a team including Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, was influenced by the Atari classic Pong. Breakout also inspired a series of clones and spin-offs including Arkanoid and Brick Breaker.
Click here if you are too lazy to search for yourself : )
Update: Google has since removed the easter egg, but you can find a mirror here.